Index 119
sRGB color mode, 50
Startup screen
creating, 75 to 76
settings, 76
user’s logo, see User’s Logo
Status lights, 91 to 92
Support, see Technical support
S-Video cable, 17, 34
Switching picture source, 46
Sync, adjusting, 68, 97 to 98
TTechnical support, 10, 100 to 101
Tele button, 49
requirements, 105
status light, 91 to9 2
Temperature, color, 66
Theatre color mode, 50
Through aspect setting, 52
Tint setting, 66
Tracking, adjusting, 68, 97to 98
Transporting projector, 87
blank screen, 93to 94
cut-off image, 95 to 96
distorted image, 48
image and sound problems, 93 to 99
no signal, 94 to 95
projector problems, 89 to 101
remote control problems, 99
tapered image, 48
Turning off picture (using A/V Mute), 54
Turning off projector, 43
UUnpacking projector, 20
button, 40, 46
cable, 20, 28 to 29, 39 to 40
connecting external device, 39 to 40
connecting for display, 28 to 29
selecting TypeB port usage, 56, 71
User’s Logo
creating, 75to 76
display settings, 76
VVCR, connecting, 31 to 37
VGA video cable, 30, 36
cables, 16 to 17, 20, 31
connecting video equipment, 31to 37
formats, supported, 106
selecting source, 46
Video Signal setting, 68
Volume, controlling, 56, 70
WWarning lights, 91 to 92
Warranty, 16
Wide button, 49
Windows display problems, 94
Wireless Mouse setting, 57, 71
Wireless mouse usage, 56 to 57, 71
ZZoom aspect setting, 52
Zoom ratio, 104
Zoom ring, 49
Zoom setting, 49
Zooming image, 49, 55