Epson EL 486UC+

EL 486UC+ Specifications

The following diagrams illustrate the outside of the EL 486UC+ system.

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Computer Specifications

CPU and Memory
32-bit CPU

Intel 486SX/25



upgradable to
486SX/33, 486DX/33,


486DX2/50, or 486DX2/66
System speed

Fast and slow speeds available; fast speed


is 25 MHz or the speed of your upgraded


microprocessor, slow speed is 8 MHz;


speed selection

through keyboard


commands or jumper setting


To select slow speed, press Ctrl Alt and-;


to select fasts peed, press Ctrl Alt and+


(use the - or + key on the numeric keypad)

4MB RAM standard on a SIMM;


expandable to 64MB using 1MB, 2MB,


4MB, 8MB, 16MB, and 32MB SIMMs


(64MB maximum requires the use of 32MB


SIMMs; SIMMs must be tin-plated,


72-pin, 32-bit or 36-bit fast-page mode


type with access speed of 70ns or faster

128KB system BIOS, video BIOS, and


SETUP code located in EPROM on main




Video RAM
Shadow RAM

Memory relocation

512KB DRAM on main system board; expandable to 1MB using 70ns or 80ns, 256 x 4 bit, 20-pin,DIP DRAM chips

Supports shadowing of system and video BIOS ROM into RAM

Supports relocation of 256KB of memory from A0000h to BFFFFh and D0000h to EFFFFh to extended memory


AC inlet
AC outlet


8KB of internal cache (built into the


microprocessor); supports 64KB, 128KB, or


256KB of external cache using 28-pin,


8x8, 20ns DIP chips or 28-pin, 32x8,


20ns DlP chips
Math coprocessor built into the

microprocessor for DX and DX2 systems

Clock/calendar Contained in the 82C491 system controller


along with 64 bytes of CMOS RAM;


backed up by a soldered NiCad


rechargeable battery



Trident 8900CL VGA controller on main


system board; provides resolutions up to


1024 x 768 in 16 colors (up to 1024 x 768 in


256 colors with 1MB of video memory)


Epson EL 486UC+-1