Basic Scanning


When you first access the EPSON Perfection 600 main window, the last frame scanned displays. Click the Preview button to clear the old image and preview a new one.

Basic Steps to Scanning

Perform the following steps to scan an image from your EPSON scanner into a host application.

1.Access the EPSON Perfection 600 main window.

2.Place the original to be scanned on the scanner document table.

3.Preview the image by clicking the Preview button.

The Preview function displays the image as it will be scanned. The remainder of this guide covers how to make adjustments to an image before scanning, but for now, continue to the next step.

4.Select the portion of the image to be scanned.

If you are going to scan only a part of the original, use the frame to crop (define) the part of the image to be scanned. The scanner driver scans only the area within the frame.

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