Basic Scanning


The Transparency option is only available if an optional EPSON Transparency Unit is attached to your scanner. This option scans an image up to 8.5 x 11 inches.

From the EPSON Perfection 600 main window, select one of the following Document Source options:

Reflective—When you scan a reflective original, the image is captured when light reflects off the original on the scanner flatbed. Because most originals require reflective scanning, this is the default option.

Transparency—When you scan a transparent original, the image is captured when light shines through the original instead of reflecting off it. Select Transparency when scanning a transparency.

Image Type

You will get the best quality and image file size by matching the type of original to be scanned with the corresponding scanning method.

From the following options, select the Image Type that best matches the original being scanned:

Color Photo —This option saves the scanned object as a 24-bit color image, which enables the computer to save up to 16 million colors. While this

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