Air filter, cleaning and replacing, 53 to 54
Aspect ratio, 87 Audio
outputting to external sound system, 72 to 73
problems, troubleshooting, 67 turning off (using A/V Mute), 31
Audio Out jack, 73 Auto button, 40 Auto Setup setting, 41 AV cable, 15 to 16
Bass, adjusting, 42 Batteries, installing, 28 Blurry image, 65 Box tool
Camcorder, connecting to, 15 to 16 Carrying case, 8, 56
Ceiling mount, 8, 49, 72 Cleaning
air filter, 53 to 54 lens, 52 projector case, 52
adjusting, 41, 48 problems, 66
Comp button, 30, 67 Composite video cable, 15 Computer cable, 6
Computer connector pin assignments, 92 Connecting projector
to a desktop Macintosh, 77 to 79 to a desktop PC, 73 to 76
to a
to a video source, 15 to 16 Connector pin assignments, 92 Contrast setting, 41
Cursor speed, setting, 43 Cursor/Stamp tool
customizing, 43 to 44 using, 34
Index 93