If you don’t need to make any other connections, you can plug in your projector and turn it on. See page 18 for instructions.

Connecting the Cable for Remote Mouse Control

Using the remote control as a wireless mouse lets you click through slideshow-style presentations, such as PowerPoint, from up to 30 feet away (for details, see page 36). This gives you more flexibility in delivering your presentation, since you won’t need to stand near your computer.

You’ll use different cables and different ports on the projector, depending on whether your laptop has a round mouse port or a flat USB mouse port.


If you’re using a PowerBook that has a round mouse port, you’ll need a Macintosh mouse cable. See your projector dealer to obtain the correct cable.


Mouse/Com port

PS/2 mouse cable

USB port

USB mouse cable

1.Locate the cable you need, depending on whether your laptop has a round PS/2 mouse port or a flat USB port.

2.Connect one end of the appropriate mouse cable to the projector’s Mouse/Com or USB port, as shown.

connecting PS/2 mouse cable

connecting USB mouse cable

3.Connect the other end of the cable to the external mouse port or USB port on your laptop.

Setting Up the Projector 13