EPSON Stylus COLOR 800
❏To open the Spool Manager at any time,
You see the Spool Manager window:
queue | journal file |
When you send a job to your printer, your printer software creates a temporary journal file, stores it in the C:\TEMP or C:\WINDOWS\TEMP folder or directory, and assigns it to a print queue. The software then sends the file to your printer at the right time.
The Spool Manager window displays the status of your print queues and journal files and lets you control them. Here are some of the things you can do:
❏Hold or release a queue
❏Send journal files to your printer over a network
❏Select the information you want to see in the Spool Manager window
❏Prevent the Despooler popup window from appearing on your screen whenever you print
❏Change your default spool directory
Deleting a Stalled Print Job
If you’re having trouble printing, it may be because of a stalled print job. Follow these steps to delete it so you can continue printing:
1.Open the Spool Manager as described above.
2.Click on any print jobs marked Held, then open the Document menu and click Delete.
3.Exit Spool Manager and try printing again.
Changing the Default Spool Directory
If you get an error message when you try to print, or printing is very slow, you can try changing your default spool directory. Follow these steps:
1.Make a directory on your hard drive where you want Spool Manager to store journal files, for example, C:\SPLTEMP.
2.Open the Spool Manager as described above.
3.Make sure EPSON Stylus COLOR 800 is selected, and then choose Setup from the Queue menu. The Queue Setup dialog box appears.
4.Change the spool directory to the one you created in step 1. Also make sure Use Print Manager for this port is checked. (If you don’t see the Status Monitor when you print, make sure it’s unchecked.) Then click OK.
5.Choose Default Spool Directory from the Options menu.
6.In the dialog box, change the spool directory to the one you created in step 1. Then click OK.
7.Close Spool Manager.
Using the Status MonitorThe Status Monitor, available only if you’re using Windows 95, displays automatically when you send a job to the printer. However, you can use it at any time to see how much ink you have left. Follow these steps:
1.Access the Main printer settings dialog box as described on page 6.
2.Click the Utility tab.
3.Click the Status Monitor icon. You see the Despooler window with the Status Monitor at the bottom.
4.Check the amount of ink you have left. For more information about the Despooler window, see the next section.
If the Status Monitor doesn’t appear on the Despooler window, you may need to check your bidirectional spool settings. Follow these steps:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then point to Printers.
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