Maintaining Your Printer 43
Switching Black Ink TypesYour printer comes with Matte Black and Photo Black ink cartridges. Although
both must be installed for the printer to work, the printer can use only one type of
ink at a time. The printer will switch ink automatically, depending on the type of
media you load. This consumes a certain amount of ink, so you should avoid
switching ink more often than necessary.
To conserve ink, you can select the type of ink that is available by default (see
page 44). First decide which type of media you usually print on. Then, if
necessary, switch to the type of ink that works with that media.
The following media use Matte Black ink:
■Presentation Paper Matte
■Premium Pres entation Paper Matte
■Epson Premium Presentation Paper Matte Double-sided
■Ultra Premium Presentation Paper Matte
■Velvet Fine Art Paper
■Watercolor Paper Radiant White
■UltraSmooth Fine Art Paper 325 gsm
■Exhibition Canvas Matte
■Photo Quality Self-adhesive Sheets
■PremierArt Matte Scrapbook Photo Paper for Epson
■Epson Hot Press Bright
■Epson Hot Press Natural
■Epson Cold Press Bright
■Epson Cold Press Natural