If you need to copy or scan a thick or large document, you can remove the document cover. Just open it and pull it straight up.

If you need to press the document flat while you copy or scan it, do not press too hard and be careful not to move it.


Do not use excessive force on the document cover, and do not twist it. You may damage the document cover.

When you are done, replace the document cover by inserting the tabs back into the slots.

Positioning Multiple Photos

You can copy or scan two or more photos at the same time. Make sure each photo is larger than 1.2 × 1.6 inches (30 × 40 mm) and leave room between them.

1.Place your photos as shown here.

2.Place each photo about 0.2 inch (5 mm) away from the edge of the document table and away from adjacent photos.

3.Follow the steps on page 10 to copy your photos using Photo mode.

0.2inch (5 mm)

8Copying a Photo or Document