Disconnecting a USB Device or Camera From the Projector
When you finish presenting with a connected USB device or camera, you must prepare to disconnect the
device from the projector.
1. Exit from any software running your slide show or presentation from the device.
2. If the device has a power button, be sure to turn off and unplug the device.
3. Disconnect the USB device or camera from the projector.
Parent topic: Connecting to External USB Devices
Connecting to a Document Camera
You can connect a compatible Epson document camera to your projector's USB Type A port to project
images viewed by the camera.
Note: You may be able to connect different Epson document camera models to your projector's
Computer ports.
1. Locate the USB cable that came with the document camera.
2. Connect the USB cable to the projector's USB TypeA port.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to the document camera's USB Type B port.
1 USB TypeA port
Parent topic: Projector Connections
Related references
Optional Equipment and Replacement Parts