Screen Size and Distance


See the following table to choose the best position for your projector. The values are only a guide.
Units: cm (in.) Units: cm (in.)
4:3 Screen Size Projection Distance U
Offset V16:9 Screen Size Projection Distance UOffset V
(When image position
is off center)
Minimum Maximum
(Wide) to (Tele) Minimum Maximum
(Wide) to (Tele)
30" 61 ^ 46 (24 ^ 18) 84 to 101 (33 to 40) 5 (1.9) 30" 66 ^ 37 (26 ^ 15) 91 to 110 (36 to 43) -1 (-0.4)
40" 81 ^ 61 (32 ^ 24) 113 to 136 (44 to 53) 6 (2.5) 40" 89 ^ 50 (35 ^ 20) 123 to 148 (48 to 5 8) -1 (-0.5)
50" 100 ^ 76 (39 ^ 30) 142 to 171 (56 to 67) 8 (3.1) 50" 110 ^ 62 (43 ^ 24) 154 to 186 (61 to 73) -2 (-0.7)
60" 120 ^ 90 (47 ^ 35) 171 to 206 (67 to 81) 10 (3.8) 60" 130 ^ 75 (51 ^ 28) 186 to 224 (73 to 88) -2 (-0.8)
80" 160 ^ 120 (63 ^ 47) 229 to 275 (90 to 108) 13 (5.0) 80" 180 ^ 100 (71 ^ 39) 249 to 300 (98 to 118) -3 (-1.1)
100" 200 ^ 150 (79 ^ 59) 287 to 345 (113 to 136) 16 (6.3) 100" 220 ^ 120 (87 ^ 47) 312 to 376 (123 to 148) -3 (-1.4)
120" 240 ^ 180 (94 ^ 71) 345 to 415 (136 to 163) 19 (7.5) 120" 270 ^ 150 (106 ^ 59) 375 to 452 (148 to 178) -4 (-1.6)
150" 300 ^ 230 (118 ^ 91) 432 to 519 (170 to 204) 24 (9.4) 150" 330 ^ 190 (130 ^ 75) 470 to 565 (185 to 223) -5 (-2.0)
200" 410 ^ 300 (161 ^ 118) 577 to 693 (227 to 273) 32 (12.5) 200" 440 ^ 250 (173 ^ 98) 628 to 755 (247 to 297) -7 (-2.7)
300" 610 ^ 460 (240 ^ 181) 867 to 1041 (341 to 410) 48 (18.8) 300" 660 ^ 370 (260 ^ 146) 944 (372) -10 (-4.1)
Center of lens
90° Center of lens