The double-wide mode doubles the width of any size characters. This mode is useful for such purposes as emphasizing headings in reports and making displays, but is usually not suitable for large amounts of text.

T h i 5

i s d o u b l e - w i d e -

Another mode for headings and other special uses is double-high:

This is double-high.

Because of its height, you must leave a blank line above a line of double- high printing. Otherwise, the double-high letters will overlap the letters on the previous line.

Double-wide and double-high can be combined to obtain even more impressive printing results:

D o u b l e - h i g h d o u b l e - w i d e

Widening or narrowing the characters also widens or narrows the spaces between words and letters. Because word processors usually create a left margin by printing spaces, you may need to change the number of characters on a line to keep the margins correct if you change widths. For example, a left margin of 10 characters at 10 cpi is the same as a five- space margin using double-wide characters.

Emphasized and double-strike printing

Emphasized and double-strike printing give your documents added emphasis. In emphasized mode, the FX prints each character twice as the print head moves across the paper, with the second printed slightly to the right of the first. This process produces darker, more fully formed characters.


Using the Printer