Connecting the Scanner to Your Computer
Your scanner has both a bidirectional parallel interface and a
SCSI interface. You can connect both kinds of interface cables
to the scanner at the same time. The scanner switches
automatically to the appropriate interface.
❑For a PC, do one of the following:
Connect the computer to the scanner’s bidirectional
interface using a shielded, twisted-pair parallel interface
cable. Install a bidirec tional parallel interf ace board in
your computer, if necessary.
IBM PS/2® computers and many other PCs have built-in
bidirectional parallel interfaces. You do not need to install an
additional one in these computers unless you need the built-in
parallel interface for your printer.
Connect the computer to the scanner’s SCSI interface.
Install a SCSI interface board in your computer, if necessary.
❑For a Macintosh computer, connect the scanner to your
Macintosh’s built-in SCSI port.
To use an interface correctly, you may need to change settings
on the scanner, computer, or both. The following sections
explain how to set up and connect each type of interface.
LGinger Rev.C
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97/07/23 Pass 1, DR
1-6 Setting Up the Scanner