Using Your Scanner 4-21
Rev. C
A5 size USING.FM
4/9/01 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
KOW S.Koide C.Fujiwara
❏Auto Exposure
Although the image in the Preview window changes as you make
settings, the settings do not affect the actual image until you scan or
rescan the image.
Preview buttonsZoom Preview button
Clicking the Zoom Preview button enlarges the active marquee.
See the next page for information about marquees.
Return to Full Preview button
Clicking the Return to Full Preview button restores the image to
a full preview. This button is available only when the marquee is
zoomed as described above.
Return to Zoom Preview button
Clicking the Return to Zoom Preview button restores the image
to the previous zoom. This button is available only when a
marquee has been previously zoomed. This restores the zoom
preview from memory, which is quicker than rescanning the same
zoomed area by clicking the Zoom Preview button again.