In BASIC you can use either decimal or hexadecimal numbers, and if there is a single letter in the second ASCII code column, you can use that letter in quotation marks instead of the number below it. For example, the format section for the right margin command is as fol- lows:

ASCII code:







( n )

Hexadecimal: 1B



In BASIC you can send the command to set the right margin to 60 in three ways:

Decimal :LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(81);CHR$(60)

Hex:LPRINT CHR$(&HlB);CHR$(&H51);CHR$(&H3C)

Decimal with quotes: LPRINT CHR$(27);"Q";CHR$(60)

ESCape sequences that require a 0 or 1 with a letter, such as ESC ‘Wl” to turn on expanded, can use either the ASCII code or the numeral in quotation marks for the 0 or 1. For example, in BASIC you can turn on expanded with either of the formats below:

LPRINT CHR$(27);"Wl" or LPRINT CHR$(27);"W";CHR$(1)
