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1 ESC ( v m1 m2 n1 n2 (Set Relative Verticai~~~
ESC l v ml m2 nl a is the command for advancing the print position verticaiiy in unitswhereml,m2nl andn2arevariables. The5nCisusually1/36Oofaninch unless defined otherwise by the “ESC ( U command. Currently, the values for ml and IT@ MUST be ml =2 and m2=0.
To determine the values for nl and n2 perform the following steps.
1.Determine the desired vertical motion dii in inches.
2Multiply the distance by 360.
3.Divide the result by 256 using long division.
4.The remainder in the quotient from step 3 is the value for n1.
5.The whole number in the quotient from step 3 is the value for n2
1.The desired distance is 1 inch.
2 1x360=360
In the Basic programming language, the command would look like thii.
Thiscommand,aslistedintheiineabove,willfeedthepaperuplinchfromthe ament line. The current print column (horizontal position) IS NOT changed.
‘Reverse” paper feed less than l/2 inch can be performed with this command. To accompliih Wvers# paper feeding requires the following steps.
1.Determine the desired vertical motion dice in inches.
2Multiply the distance by 360.
3.Divide the result by 256 using long division.
4.Subtract the remainder in the quotient computed in step 3 from 256.
5.The result from step 4 is the value for n1.