Replacing an Ink CartridgeThis printer uses ink cartridges equipped with IC chips. The IC
chip accurately monitors the amount of ink used by each
cartridge, so even if a cartridge is removed and later inserted
again, all of its ink can be used. However, some ink is consumed
each time the cartridge is inserted because the printer
automatically checks reliability.
You can replace an ink cartridge by using the printer’s control
panel or by using the Status Monitor utility. To replace an ink
cartridge using the bmaintenance button on the printer’s control
panel, follow the steps below. To replace an ink cartridge or check
ink levels using the Status Monitor utility or LCD panel.
❏Keep ink cartridges out of the reach of children. Do not allow
children to drink from or otherwise handle the cartridges.
❏Be careful when you handle the used ink cartridges, as there
may be some ink around the ink supply port. If ink gets on
your skin, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water. If
ink gets into your eyes, flush them immediately with water.
If discomfort or vision problems remain after a thorough
flushing, see a physician immediately.