Dust Removal
Removes dust marks from your originals automatically.
Auto Exposure
Automatically adjusts the image exposure settings when you click the Auto Exposure icon. To
automatically adjust image exposure settings continuously, click the Configuration button, click the
Color tab, and select Continuous auto exposure. You can adjust the level of exposure adjustment
using a slider.
Histogram Adjustment
Provides a graphical interface for adjusting highlight, shadow, and gamma levels individually. (For
advanced users only.) Click the histogram icon to access the settings.
Tone Correction
Provides a graphical interface for adjusting tone levels individually. (For advanced users only.) Click
the tone correction icon to access the settings.
Adjusts the overall lightness and darkness of the scanned image.
Adjusts the difference between the light and dark areas of the overall scanned image.
Adjusts the density of colors in the overall image.
Color Balance
Adjusts the balance of colors in the overall image.
Color Palette
Provides a graphical interface for adjusting mid-tone levels, such as skin tones, without affecting the
highlight and shadow areas of the image. (For advanced users only.) Click the Color Palette icon to
access the settings.
Adjusts the level at which black areas in text and line art are delineated, improving text recognition in
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) programs.
Parent topic: Scanning in Professional Mode
Selecting a Scan Size - Professional Mode
You can reduce or enlarge the size of your image as you scan. You can also select a specific scan size,
such as a common photo size like 4 × 6 inches (102 × 152 mm). This places a scan area of that size on
the preview image so you can use it to help crop the image in the correct proportions.
1. Click the Preview button to preview your image.