In addition to text and images, tables can also contain hyperlinks and images used as hyperlinks.
The table element is used together with tr and td to create a set of aligned columns of text
and images.
The tr element is used as a container to hold a single table row.
The td element is used as a container to hold a single table cell data.
Attribute Description
align Alignment of cell content is fully supported.
The align attribute can take the following values:
L (left), R (right) and C (centre). Left alignment is the
default alignment mode.
columns Specifies the number of columns for the table.
The Polar Weather table example
<card id="First" title="Polar Weather" newcontext="true">
<p><table align="ccccc" columns="5">
<img alt="weather"src="rain.gif" width="30" height="30"
hspace="10" vspace="3"/></td>
<img alt="weather"src="cloudy.gif" width="30" height="30"
hspace="10" vspace="3"/></td>
<img alt="weather"src="sun_in_cloud.gif" width="30"
height="30" hspace="10" vspace="3"/></td>
<img alt="weather"src="sun.gif" width="30" height="30"
hspace="10" vspace="3"/></td>
<img alt="weather"src="sun.gif" width="30" height="30"
hspace="10" vspace="3"/></td>