Configuration and Management
characters. It is recommended that the passphrase contains at least 20
Enter a passphrase in the “Passphrase / Key” field and click Apply to save
the settings.
Note: Avoid using special characters (such as :, “ and ¤) when entering a
2.6.8 Connected Devices The “CONNECTED DEVICES” list includes the MAC (Media Access
Control) addresses of all wireless devices currently connected to the
Ericsson W21.
2.6.9 Whitelist A common method of restricting WLAN access is to specify the MAC
address(es) in a “whitelist” for those computers to be granted access to the
WLAN. This kind of whitelist is also known as “MAC Association” or “MAC
Access list”.
Up to 20 MAC addresses for wireless clients can be added to the whitelist.
Once the whitelist has been enabled, only clients with an associated MAC
address are allowed to connect to the Ericsson W21 WLAN.
Note: This feature does not require any configuration of clients, but it is
recommended that some kind of encryption (WEP, WPA/WPA2) is
used in combination with the whitelist. Add Client(s) to the Whitelist
To add a client to the whitelist, you can either copy/paste a MAC address
from the “CONNECTED DEVICES” list or type the client’s MAC address in
the field below “WHITELIST” and click Add .
The MAC address has the form of xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, where x is a
hexadecimal number (0-9 and/or letters a-f), for example
The MAC address now appears in the list. Click Apply to save the
settings. To delete a MAC address from the whitelist, click the Delete
button next to the MAC address to delete.
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