Configuration and Management
Select a “Protocol” from the drop-down list and type the appropriate values
in “NAT Port”, “Server IP”, and “Server Port” fields and click Apply to save
the settings.
Below are some examples of common applications and corresponding
Server Port they use for network access. The NAT port has often the same
value as the Server value. Exceptions are made when the same
applications are used on many clients on the LAN/WLAN, where each
Server IP value needs to be unique and differ from the NAT port value.
Table 16 - Common applications server ports
Application Server Port
MSN Messenger® 6901
Unreal Tournament 2004® 7777, 7778, 7787, 28902
NetMeeting® 1720, 1503
Quake III® 27669 (+1 for each player)
Note: If multiple ports or port ranges are required, create a new port entry
for each port or port range. Port Forwarding Example
In the following example, port forwarding is used to allow incoming access
(from the external network (Internet)) to an internal web server (on the
LAN/WLAN). The TCP protocol is used for data traffic. The NAT port 80 on
the Ericsson W21 is open and the destination computer on the LAN with
static server IP address has appointed the server port 8080
to be used.
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