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Thank you for choosing a B-52 sound product. B-52 manufactures some of | | ty will automatically terminate 90 Days after the original retail sales date. |
the world’s best sounding and most reliable professional speaker systems, | | This 90-Day warranty does not cover service or parts to repair damage |
amplifiers and components. E.T.I. Sound Systems, Inc., makers of B-52, takes | | caused by accident, disaster, misuse, abuse, over-powering, negligence, |
great pride in thoroughly testing each B-52 product prior to shipment. | | inadequate packing or shipping procedures and service, repair or modifica- |
B-52 CABINETS: E.T.I. Sound Systems, Inc. offers a LIFETIME warranty | | tions of the amplifier which has not been authorized or approved by E.T.I.. |
| This warranty is in lieu of all other expressed warranties. If this product is |
(effective January 1, 2002) to the original purchaser that a B-52's cabinet | | defective in materials or workmanship as warranted above, your sole reme- |
construction will be free from defects in material and workmanship. A dated | | dy shall be repair or replacement as provided above. |
sales receipt will establish coverage under this warranty. This warranty does | | RETURN PROCEDURES: In the unlikely event that a defect should occur, |
not cover service or parts to repair damage caused by neglect, abuse, nor- | |
mal & wear and cosmetic appearance of the cabinetry not directly attributed | | follow the procedure outlined below. Defective products must be shipped, |
to defects in material or workmanship, or service, repair, modifications of the | | together with proof of purchase, freight pre-paid and insured to the |
cabinet, which has not been authorized or approved by E.T.I. If this product | | Authorized B-52 Dealer from whom you purchased the product or directly to |
is defective in materials or workmanship as warranted above, your sole rem- | | E.T.I. Sound Systems. If a product must be returned to E.T.I. Sound Systems |
edy shall be repair or replacement as provided above. | | for warranty replacement/repair, a Return Authorization Number must be |
LOUDSPEAKER AND MID-RANGE COMPONENTS: E.T.I. Sound | | obtained from our Customer Service Department prior to shipping the prod- |
| uct. |
Systems, Inc. warrants the original purchaser that B-52 loudspeakers and/or | | NEVER RETURN THE ENTIRE CABINET__JUST THE DEFECTIVE COM- |
midrange components will be free from defects in material and workmanship | |
for a period of (5) FIVE YEARS from the original purchase date (effective | | PONENT. Identify and remove the defective component. If you are uncertain |
January 1, 2002). A dated sales receipt will establish coverage under this | | which component is defective, or need directions for removing a component, |
warranty. This warranty will automatically terminate (5) years after the origi- | | please contact our Customer Service Department for assistance. |
nal retail sales date. This (5) five-year warranty does not cover service or | | Components which are a part of an original B-52 speaker box must be sent |
parts to repair damage caused by accident, disaster, misuse, abuse, burnt | | directly to E.T.I. Products must be shipped in the original packaging or its |
voice-coils, over-powering, negligence, inadequate packing or shipping pro- | | equivalent; in any case, the risk of loss or damage in transit is to be borne |
cedures and service, repair or modifications of the component which has not | | by the purchaser. The Return Authorization Number must appear in large |
been authorized or approved by E.T.I.. This warranty is in lieu of all other | | print directly below the shipping address. Always include a brief description |
expressed warranties. If this product is defective in materials or workman- | | of the defect, along with your correct return address and telephone number. |
ship as warranted above, your sole remedy shall be repair or replacement | | When calling to inquire about a returned product, always refer to the Return |
as provided above. | | Authorization Number. If E.T.I. determines that the unit was defective in |
HIGH-FREQUENCY DEVICES: E.T.I. Sound Systems, Inc. offers a LIFE- | | materials or workmanship at any time during the warranty period, E.T.I. has |
| the option of repairing or replacing the product at no additional charge, |
TIME warranty (effective January 1, 2002) to the original purchaser that | | except as set forth below. All replaced parts become a property of E.T.I. |
B-52 high frequency (tweeters) devices will be free from defects in material | | Products replaced or repaired under this warranty will be returned via |
and workmanship. A dated sales receipt will establish coverage under this | | ground-shipping-within the United States-freight prepaid. E.T.I. is not |
warranty. This warranty does not warranty neglect or abuse. NO WARRAN- | | responsible for costs associated with expedited shipping, either to |
TY IS OFFERED ON HIGH-FREQUENCY DEVICES IN B-52 SYSTEMS | | E.T.I. or the return of the product to the customer. |
WITH A BI-AMP SWITCH OPTION. The lifetime warranty on high-frequen- | | INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE: In no event will E.T.I. be |
cy devices does not cover service or parts to repair damage caused by acci- | |
dent, disaster, misuse, abuse, negligence, inadequate packing or shipping | | liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or |
procedures or service, repair or modifications of the product which has not | | inability to use of any B-52 product, even if E.T.I. or a B-52 dealer has been |
been authorized or approved by E.T.I. This warranty is in lieu of all other | | advised of the possibility of such damages, or any other claim by any other |
expressed warranties. If this product is defective in materials or workman- | | party. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential |
ship as warranted above, your sole remedy shall be repair or replacement | | damages, so the above limitation and exclusion may not apply to you. This |
as provided above. | | warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights |
GUITAR AMPLIFIERS: E.T.I. Sound Systems, Inc. warrants the original pur- | | which may vary from state to state. |
| FOR YOUR PROTECTION: Please complete and mail the Purchase |
chaser that B-52 guitar amplifiers will be free from defects in material and | |
workmanship for a period of (5) FIVE YEARS from the original purchase date | | Information Card within (10) ten days of the date of purchase so that we |
(effective January 1, 2002). A dated sales receipt will establish coverage | | may contact you directly in the event a safety notification issued in accor- |
under this warranty. This warranty will automatically terminate (5) years after | | dance with the 1972 Consumer Product Safety Act. In addition, we ask that |
the original retail sales date. This (5) five-year warranty does not cover serv- | | you complete the brief questionnaire so me may analyze your answers and |
ice or parts to repair damage caused by accident, disaster, misuse, abuse, | | in this way, help us evaluate our customer needs. |
over-powering, negligence, inadequate packing or shipping procedures and | | CUSTOMER SERVICE: Our dedicated staff is ready to help you with any |
service, repair or modifications of the amplifier which has not been author- | |
ized or approved by E.T.I.. This warranty is in lieu of all other expressed war- | | B-52 warranty or product questions you may have. Please call 323-277-4100 |
ranties. If this product is defective in materials or workmanship as warranted | | (9:00AM to 4:00PM Pacific Standard Time, United States). |
above, your sole remedy shall be repair or replacement as provided above. | | | | |
GUITAR AMPLIFIER TUBES: E.T.I. Sound Systems, Inc. warrants the orig- | | | | |
inal purchaser that amplifier tubes used in B-52 Stealth Series All-Tube | | | | |
Amplifiers will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period | | | | |
of 90 DAYS from the original date of purchase (effective January 1, 2002). A | | | E.T.I. Sound Systems, INC. | |
dated sales receipt will establish coverage under this warranty. This warran- | | | 3383 Gage Ave., Huntington Park, CA, 90255 | |
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