EDR910_1610_ma_en_rev1 00 - 73 -
Detailed explanation of DVRViewer is as follows:
1. Load File: to load the archived EDR MPEG Files (.arv).
2. Stop: to stop playing “.arv” file.
3. Play: to play “.arv” file.
4. <<Step: step backward of the playing file.
5. Pause: to pause playing.
6. Step>>: step forward of the playing file.
7. Capture: to capture the playing image as “.jpg” file.
8. Save to Avi: to save the archived EDR MPEG File as “.AVI” file.
The recording frame rate will be automatically calculated. It is suggested to use the
calculated Recording Frame Rate, although it is possible to change this value.
ATTENTION: The conversion of video files recorded with 720x288 recording resolution
will result in AVI files with half the image height. For these files, it is recommended to
make use of playback software able to correct the aspect ratio (e.g. MediaPlayer Classic,
freeware, download on www.everfocus.de).