the pawn or piece on the designated from
square and then on the to square. The
chess computer will beep, and the white
square will appear again in the LCD to
indicate it is White’s turn again to move.
2.3 Note on special moves
The castling maneuver does require the
rook move also to be registered by press-
ing on the rook move squares. Also, en
passant capturing requires the captured
pawn square to be pressed. (Refer to
Rules and Tips for more information on
these special moves.)
CHAPTER 3: Key FunctionsYour Excalibur Electronic Chess partner
has many valuable special features that
can help you learn to play better and bet-
ter chess—and to have a lot of fun!
This key turns the unit off, automatically
saving a game in progress. (Press this key
when it is yourmove.) Use the ON key to
resume the game.
3.2 ON/CLEAR Key
Use this key to turn on Electronic Chess.
Also press it to clear an incorrect “from
square” entry or to exit from other modes
such as VERIFY or LEVEL. (See below.)
3.3 NEW GAME Key
Press this key either to begin a new game
or to clear the computer’s memory.
This key lets you take back a move
yo u ’ve decided against. (Press TA K E-
BACKonly when it is your turn.) To take
back your move, first press TAKEBACK
and then press on the squares of the com-
puter’s reply move, in reverse order, as
indicated on the LCD. Next pushTAKE -
BACK a second time and press on the
squares, again in reverse order, for the
move you made which you wish to take-
back, as shown on the LCD. (Remember
to replace any captured piece you might
have removed. Taking back a capture
move requires that you press on the cap-
tured piece square wit h the captured
piece.) The computer is now ready for
your next move.
3.5 SET UP Key
Use this key if you’d like to change the
color of a piece, remove or add a piece, or
move a piece to another square. Press
SETUP and the display will first show
the position of the white king. (If you’d
like to see the position of a different
piece, press SET UP and then press the
red key which has the correct piece sym-
bol located above it, that is, the PIECE
key. If there are no pieces of the selected
type, the display will shownOnE.) You
can next press t he piece’s square to
change the piece’s color, and press the
same square again to remove the piece.
You may also press on any legal square to
place the piece elsewhere on the board.
The above steps may be repeated as
desired. Press CLEAR to exit this mode
at anytime. (Note: You cannot exit Set Up
mode unless there is at least one white
King and one black king on the board.)
Keep this procedure and sequence in
mind,and the SET UP procedure will be
easy to use: After you press SET UP and
the piece-symbol key you select, by push-
ing the square the piece stands on, you
can change its color or remove it. If the
piece is White, one push changes it to
Black, a second push removes it. If the
piece is Black, one push removes it, a