key while the computer is thinking. The
computer will stop thinking and play the
best move it’s found so far.
3.10 MOVE Key
You may press this key when it is
Electronic Chess’turn to move and there-
by force the computer to move right away.
If it is your turn to move, you may press
MOVEto switch sides with the computer.
(The computer will then make the next
move as White.) And if you’d like to play
the black pieces from the bottom of the
board, first press NEWGAME and then
3.11 SOUND Key
Your chess computer is available for a
game day or night, so you may wish at
times to turn the sound off. Simply press
the SOUNDkey to turn off the beeping
sound, or push it again to resume.
3.12 MODE Key
Electronic Chess offers a teaching mode
to help you learn the rules of movement
for each piece. To enter the teaching
mode, press N E W G A M E and then
MODE. (You will see SPCL in the dis-
play window.) Then select from one of the
following modes:
Mode 1: King and pawns
Press the PAWN symbol key
Mode 2: Kings, knights and pawns
Press the KNIGHT symbol key
Mode 3: Kings, bishops and pawns
Press the BISHOP symbol key
Mode 4: Kings, rooks and pawns
Press the ROOK symbol key
Mode 5: Kings, queens and pawns
Press the QUEEN symbol key
Be sure to remove the pieces not in use
from your board. Then make the first
move. Your object is, of course, to check-
mate the opposing king.
To begin a game with White on the bot-
tom and the computer making the first
move, press BLACK/WHITE.
This key is also used to tell the computer
whose move it is during problem solving.
(See below.)
CHAPTER 4: Setting Up SpecialPositionsThis is a terrific feature that allows you to
solve problems that you see in magazines
or newspapers, or that you make up your-
self. It also allows you to enter game
positions you want to play, or that you
want Electronic Chess to look
at, perhaps
using the Infinite Search level.
Normally it is easier to start from an
empty board to set up such problems. So
first, clear the board by pressing NEW
GAME,SETUP and MODE. Place the
desired pieces on the board by pressing
the PIECESYMBOL key and the square
to be occupied--press once for White,
twice for Black.
After setting up the pieces, tell the com-
puter whose move it is by pressing the