After pressing until TRAIN appears, againOPTIONSpress the key until you come to posi- tions without pawns and with the Black king in the middle of the board. These are the mate- training positions. The three dif- ferent
To view your rating, press the key. Your current rating
appearsRATING on the display.
To have your rating change, | |
you must complete a rated game | |
on a tournament or sudden death | |
level. |
When you are ready to play a | |
rated game, select the | RATE |
option. |
1. Press the OPTIONS key | |
repeatedly until you see | RATE |
appear. | key |
2. Press the or the | |
to turn the option On. |
3. Press CLEAR.
Finally select the Tournament
youLEVELwish toSUDDENplay againstDEATH. LEVEL When an ‘O’ appears on the display, the game you are play- ing can be rated. Since the game you are playing is rated, you
cannot ask for a , nor - a bad move,HINT norTAKEuse BACK to improve your position.
YouSETUPalso cannot use the key to start over duringNEWa
These conditions attempt to allow you to experience what it is like to play a game against an opponent in a rated tournament. In rated tournaments a chess clock is always used, so that you
16 play your moves within agreed
upon time limits. Ivan II, the | ||||
Conqueror Talking Chess Set | ||||
has the chess clock built in to it. | ||||
If you attempt to use the HINT, | ||||
keys during your rated game, | ||||
IVAN | will | ask | “ARE | YOU |
SURE”, and say what result | ||||
(draw, win, or loss) will be | ||||
scored if you press the YES key. | ||||
During a rated game if you are | ||||
winning by 9.0 or more points | ||||
and want LCD Chess to resign, | ||||
press | MODE | then | NEW | GAME. |
IVAN | will | say | “ RE | YOU |
SURE I LOSE”. IVAN will then | ||||
wait for you to press YES. |
Using Setup Mode
At any time during a game when it is your move, you may change the position on the board by adding a piece, removing a piece, or changing any of the
Removing A Piece Press the SETUP key. Then on
the large sensory board, press |
the square the piece is on until |
the square on your display is |
empty. Press CLEAR to continue |
the game. | 17 |
Adding or Changing Press thea Piece key. Next press the keySETUPthat indictaes the type of piece you want to place on the board. Then on the large sensory board, press the square on the sensory board until the piece appears as the correct color on your display board.
Press to continue the game. CLEAR
Setting Up Special
This is another terrific feature that allows you to solve prob- lems that you see in magazines or newspapers, or that you make up yourself. It also allows you to enter game positions you want to play, or that you want Ivan II, the Conqueror Talking Chess Setto look at, perhaps using the
Normally, it is easier to start from an empty board to set up such problems. So first, press
the key repeatedly until OPTIONS(clear board) is dis-
playedCLRBR. Now press the
key. You’ll see that your displaySETUP board is automatically cleared.