IN1606 and IN1608 Series Scaling Presentation Switcher • SIS Configuration and Control 52
Command ASCII Command
(host to scaler)
(scaler to host)
Additional Description
IP Control Port Commands
IP setup
NOTE: Changes made to any TCP/IP settings do not take effect until the reboot networking command
(E2BOOT}) is issued.
Set IP address24 EX4) CI}IpiX4)] Set the IP address to X4).
Read IP address24 ECI} X4)] View the current IP address.
Set DHCP mode EX(DH}Idh X(] Enable or disable DHCP.
View DHCP mode EDH} X(] View the DHCP mode setting.
Set subnet mask24 EX4! CS}IpsX4!] Set the subnet mask to X4!.
View subnet mask ECS} X4!] View the subnet mask setting.
Set gateway IP address24 EX4@ CG}IpgX4@] Set the gateway IP address to X4@.
View gateway IP address ECG} X4@] View the gateway IP address setting.
Read MAC address ECH} X4#]
Verbose mode 2 and 3.
Query the number of open
ECC} X4$]
View the number of open
Verbose mode 2 and 3.
Reboot networking E2BOOT}Boot2]Restart the network after IP setting or
DHCP changes.
NOTE: Changes to IP or DHCP settings will not take effect until the E2BOOT} command is executed.
X( = Enable or disable 0 = off or disabled
1 = on or enabled
X4) = IP address ( = default)
X4! = Subnet mask ( = default)
X4@ = Gateway address ( = default)
X4# = MAC address 00-05-A6-xx-xx-xx
X4$ = Number of open connections 0-<maximum number of open connections>