IPL 250 • SIS Programming and Control
sign/hyphen (-). No blank or space
characters are permitted as part of a name.
No distinction is made between upper and
lower case. The first character must be
a letter. The last character must not be a
minus sign/hyphen.
X1# = Local date and time format
Set format (MM/DD/YY-HH:MM:SS).
Example: 01/18/05-10:54:00.
Read format (day of week, date month year
HH:MM:SS). Example: Tue, 3 Jul 2007
X1$ = IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Leading zeros
in each of four fields are optional in
setting values, and they are suppressed in
returned values.
IPL 250’s default address:
Default broadcast address:
X1% = E-mail domain name; for example, extron.com
X1& = Time in tens of milliseconds to wait until the
first response character is received via a
serial port before terminating the current
receive operation. (Default = 10 = 100
ms, max. = 32767.) The response includes
leading zeros.
N For commands that use both X1& and X2), both
variables must be zero or both must be non-zero.
In the RS (send data) command, X1& may be
omitted as long as X2) is also missing.
X1* = Hardware (MAC) address (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-
xx) (00-05-A6-xx-xx-xx) For the location
of this address, see h MAC address in
chapter 2.
X1( = Subnet mask (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Leading
zeros are optional in setting values in each
of four fields, and they are suppressed in
returned values. Default =
X2) = Time in tens of milliseconds to wait between
characters being received via a serial port
before terminating the current command
or receive operation. The response
includes leading zeros.
(Default = 2 = 20 ms, max. = 32767)
N For commands that use both X1& and X2), both
variables must be zero or both must be non-zero.
In the RS (send data) command, X1& may be
omitted as long as X2) is also missing.
X2! = Parameter (#L or #D) to set either the Length
of message to receive or the Delimiter
value. # = byte count (for L) or
# = a single ASCII character expressed in
decimal form (for D).
The parameter is case sensitive; you must
use capital D or capital L.
Byte count # can be from 0 to 32767,
default = 0.
The ASCII decimal # can be from 0 to
00255, default = 00000L.
A 3-byte length = 3L.
A delimiter of ASCII 0A = 10D.
The response from the MLC includes
] = CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) (hex 0D 0A)
} = Carriage return (no line feed, hex 0D)
(for URL-encoded commands, use the
pipe character, | , instead)
• = Space character
| = Pipe (vertical bar) character
* = Asterisk character (which is a command
character, not a variable)
E = Escape key (hex 1B)
(for URL-encoded commands, use W
instead of Esc)
X! = Specific port number or relay number (01-99)
Serial ports:
01 = COM1 port
02 = COM2 port
03 = COM3 port
Relay ports:
01 = Relay port 1
02 = Relay port 2
03 = Relay port 3
04 = Relay port 4
IR ports:
01 = IR port 1
02 = IR port 2
03 = IR port 3
04 = IR port 4
00 = reserved or all ports
N Port numbers are two ASCII characters
(2 bytes). For example, port 1 is represented as
01 (hex 30 31).
X@ = Command data section.
N For Web encoding only: data will be directed
to the specified port and must be encoded (URL
encoding) if it is non-alphanumeric. Change
any non-alphanumeric character (%, +,
|, }, etc.) within the data section into the
corresponding hexadecimal equivalent, %xx,
where xx represents the two-character hex byte.
For example, a space (hex: 20) would be encoded
as %20 (hex: 25 32 30) and a plus sign (hex: 2B)
would be encoded as %2B or hex 25 32 42.
X# = Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset value
(-12.00 to +14.00) represents the time
difference in hours and minutes
(+/-hh:mm) relative to Greenwich,
England. The leading zero is optional.
For example, 5:30 = 05:30. Do not use a
plus (+) sign if the GMT offset is positive.
X% = On/off status
0 = off/disable (default for DHCP)
1 = on/enable
X^ = “Dirty” status:
0 = contents of RAM have been saved to
flash memory and it is ok to power off or
reset the unit
1 = RAM contents need to be saved to
flash memory
X1! = Version (typically listed to two decimal
places, e.g., x.xx)
X1@ = IPL 250’s name. The name is a text string
of up to 24 characters drawn from the
alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), and minus
Symbol definitions