Memory CARD
To play MP3/ MP4/ WMA files on a Memory CARD, insert the card into the card slot (you should press the OPEN button on the panel to flip down front panel and insert the card into card slot.) The unit will start playing MP3/ MP4/ WMA files on the Memory card memory automatically. Or press the MODE button to select Memory Card after pressing POWER Button to turn on the unit.
Press the PLAY/ PAUSE button to pause the playback. Press the button again to resume.
Press the STOP button on remote to stop playback. Press the PLAY/ PAUSE button to resume. If the Memory card or USB is removed, the resume function will be cancelled.
Press the STOP button twice to stop the playback totally. Press the PLAY/ PAUSE button to start playback from the beginning.
Selecting Tracks
If the MP3/ MP4/ WMA files are stored in the folders on the USB drive or Memory Card, the unit will start by playing the first song in the first folder. After playing all the files sequentially in the first folder, the unit will play all the files sequentially in the next folder. The unit will continue playing through all
of the folders on the USB drive or Memory card in this manner. Press the button to play the previous track/chapter. Press the
to play the next track/chapter. Press the digital buttons
On front face, press BAND button to move cursor right side for select track, press BAND button and hold for 2 seconds to move cursor downward for select folders.
GOTO Function
Long press AUDIO/GOTO button on remote control to show GOTO menu, use
Fast Forward and Backward
Press the /
buttons and hold for two seconds to select the fast playing in backward or forward in 2 times, press and hold for two seconds again for 4times, repeat this operation for 8 times => 20 times => play. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button to return to normal playback.
Note: During the Memory card or USB playback when Fast backward or forward gets to the beginning of the playing another track, it resumes normal playback.
Press the RPT button on remote control for REP 1 (repeat the current playing file) => REP DIR (repeat current folder) => REP ALL (repeat all folders) => REP OFF.
Repeat A-B Function
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