8-66 Alarm Set Point Procedure

Adjustment With The Sensing Element Wet

1.Determine that the sensing element is wet.

2.Apply power to the instrument and allow 10 minutes for the sensing element to become active and stabilize.

3.Locate the potentiometer (R5) and the red LED on the control circuit. (See the picture on the previous page.)

4.If the LED is off, turn the potentiometer clockwise until the LED turns on. With the LED on, turn the potentiometer slowly, counterclockwise one quarter turn past the point at which the LED just turns off. The potentiometer may have up to a quarter turn of hysteresis in either direction. If the mark is overshot, repeat the procedure.

Note: Give consideration that significant amounts of air or gas flowing over the sensing element may lower the sensor dry signal, resulting in a false indication of wet.

Step 6. Troubleshooting

In the event that the instrument does not operate as expected use the following table.

P r o b le m ?



V e r ify in p u t p o w e r



th e in s tr u m e n t .



T u r n p o w e r O F F .


R e m o v e c o n tr o l c ir c u it .


Verify HTR and



F a i l

C a ll F C I fo r

RTD Resistance


in s tr u c tio n s .



P a s s



R e in s ta ll c o n tr o l c ir c u it .


T u r n p o w e r O N .



V e r ify c o n tr o l



F a i l

C a ll F C I fo r

c ir c u it v o lta g e s .


in s tr u c tio n s .



P a s s



S im u la te a la r m



F a il

C a ll F C I fo r

c o n d itio n .


in s tr u c tio n s .



P a s s






Other Quick Checks:

Check the jumper positions of J12 and J13. Jumper J12 energizes the relay at flow/wet. Jumpers J13 energizes the relay at no flow/dry.

Check that the control circuit is firmly seated into it's socket.

Check if power is present and customer fuses are good, if they are used.

If there are still problems, see the Troubleshooting Section in the 12-64/8-66 Series Manual, Document Number 06EN003264. To acquire a manual call your local FCI sales representative.

Notice of Proprietary Rights

This document contains confidential technical data, including trade secrets and proprietary information which are the property of Fluid Components Intl (FCI). Disclosure of this data to you is expressly conditioned upon your assent that its use is limited to use within your company only (and does not include manufacture or processing uses). Any other use is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of FCI.

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Model 12-64/8-66


Doc. No. 06EN003322 Rev.-

Page 4
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FCI Home Appliances 8-66B, 12-64B manual Troubleshooting, Alarm Set Point Procedure, Other Quick Checks