Cool-Down Cycle
This shredder is protected with a special safety feature which prevents the motor from overheating with extensive use. When shredding is attempted beyond the machine's maximum running time, the shredder will automatically shut off its motor until it has cooled to an acceptable operating level. This is normal and the shredder will return to operation after the
Clearing a Jam
If the shredder sheet capacity is exceeded or paper is not put in straight, a jam may result. See Product Usage Guide ( p a g e 2) for maximum sheet capacity for your shredder.
To clear a jam:
1 . Move the power switch to the REVERSE position. (NOTE: If waste basket is full, empty it before clearing jam.) T h e shredder will reverse the paper to clear the jam.
2 . If the shredder jams in reverse, move the power switch to AUTO and shredder will run for about two seconds. If jam does not clear, move power switch to REVERSE again and allow to run for about three seconds. Repeat this procedure until the jam is cleared. If necessary, grasp the paper carefully and pull out to clear the jam.
3 . Once the jam is cleared, move the power switch to A U TO for continued shredding or OFF if shredding is complete.
Fellowes, Inc. warrants the machine to be free from defects in material and workmanship for 1 year from the date of purchase by the original consumer. If any part is found to be defective during the warranty period, your sole and exclusive remedy will be repair or replacement, at Fellowes’ option and expense, of the defective part.
This warranty does not apply in cases of abuse, mishandling or unauthorized repair. A N Y IMPLIED WARRANTY,
INCLUDING T H AT OF MERCHANTA B I L I T Y OR FITNESS FOR A PA RTICULAR PURPOSE, IS HEREBY LIMITED IN D U R ATION TO THE A P P R O P R I ATE WA R R A N T Y P E R I O D S E T FORTH ABOVE. IN NO EVENT S H A L L FELLOWES BE LIABLE FOR A N Y C O N S E Q U E N T I A L OR INCIDENTA L DAMAGES AT T R I B U TABLE TO THIS PRODUCT. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other legal rights that vary from this warranty. The duration, terms and conditions of this warranty are valid worldwide, except where different limitations, restrictions or conditions may be required by local law. For more details or to obtain service under this warranty, please contact us or your dealer.
Shredder will not | a. Shredder is not plugged in. |
o p e r a t e . | b. Power switch is in the O F F p o s i t i o n . |
| |
| Move switch to A U TO p o s i t i o n . |
| c. Shredder is jammed. See Clearing a |
| J a m . |
| d. Shredder has exceeded the |
| maximum run time and requires a |
| |
| Usage Guide. |
| e. Shredder is not assembled properly. |
| See A s s e m b l y. |
| f. Safety tab may be broken. Tu r n |
| shredder head around and lower |
| back onto basket to use |
| safety tab on other side of basket. |
| See A s s e m b l y. |
Shredder suddenly | a. Shredder has exceeded the |
stops while | maximum run time and requires a |
s h r e d d i n g . | |
| Usage Guide. |
| b. Shredder is jammed. See Clearing a |
| J a m . |
Shredder operates | A small piece of paper may be |
only in REVERSE. | blocking the |
| the power switch to the O F F p o s i t i o n |
| and unplug the shredder. Tu r n |
| shredder over and use a toothpick |
| (from the underside of the unit) to |
| clear the paper blockage at the auto- |
| start sensor (center) location. |
Shredder runs | A small piece of paper may be causing |
continuously when | the |
in AUTO. | c o n t i n u o u s l y. Move the power switch |
| to the O F F position and unplug the |
| shredder. Use a toothpick (from the |
| top of the unit) to clear the paper |
| blockage at the |
| (center) location. |
Shredder runs for a | This is normal. The shredder runs a |
few seconds after | few seconds longer than the paper in |
the paper has | order to keep the cutters clear of |
cleared the cutters. | paper particles and reduce the |
| chances of a jam. |
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