For Optimal Performance, Avoid Installing Smoke Alarms in the Following Locations:
Near appliances or areas where normal combustion regularly occurs (kitchens, near furnaces, hot water heaters).
Use specialized smoke alarms with Quick Quiet™False Alarm Control™ alarm control for these areas.
In areas with high humidity, (bathrooms or areas near dishwashers or washing machines) install at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from these areas, if possible.
Near air returns or within 3 feet (1 meter) of heating and cooling supply vents. The air could blow smoke away from the detector, interrupting its alarm.
In rooms where temperatures may fall below 40°F (4°C) or rise above 100°F (38°C).
In extremely dusty, dirty, or insect- infested areas. Loose particles interfere with smoke alarm operation.
Within 3 feet (1 meter) of fluorescent lighting. Electrical noise may cause nuisance alarms.
About Locating CO Alarms
Carbon monoxide gas can be anywhere and everywhere. CO gas is equal to or slightly lighter than air, and disperses evenly with the air in a room. Therefore, install this CO alarm where air circulation is best. Since most CO fatalities occur while families are sleeping, we recommend that you install at least one CO alarm in the hallway outside each separate sleeping area and one inside each bedroom or sleeping area.
We also recommend that you install a CO alarm on every separate living level of the home where household members frequently spend time, as well as in the basement.
This alarm will only indicate the presence of carbon monoxide gas at the sensor. Carbon monoxide gas may be present in other areas.