Chapter 2 Using CommandPost
stroke followed by Option+Control+R (Mac),
Alt+Cntl+R (Win). A multiple key sequence has no
practical limit on the number of key sequences it can
contain. You enter a multiple key sequence in much the
same way as a single key sequence (described above)
except you must remain in the Keystroke Entry Box after
entering each sequence—as described below.
To create a multiple keystroke sequence:
1. Select the button you want to program in the Trigger/
Function Name list or Controller Options area—for this
example, Key 6.
2. Click inside the Function Name box (or tab to it) and
enter a name for the key sequence. In this example,
the name is Multiple Keystroke Sequence.
3. Click or tab to the Keystroke Entry Box. CommandPost
draws a box around the object to show it is selected.
On Macintosh, press Return to activate the Key-
stroke Entry Box and the Keyboard Options.