Chapter 2 Using CommandPost
2. Click Pause in the Keyboard Options section.
CommandPost displays the Pause value dialog.
3. Enter the length of time you want for the pause (in
this example, the pause is 3.5 seconds), then click
4. Press Return.
5. Enter the final keystroke sequence—Option+Con-
trol+R (Mac) or Alt+Control+R (Win).
6. Click outside the Keystroke Entry Box or press Tab to
finish the multiple keystroke sequence with inserted
3.5 second pause.
7. Choose File|Save Keyset to save the key sequence
in the keyset if you are immediately returning to the
application you modified the Keyset for. If you do
not have the application open you modified the Key-
set for, it is not necessary to Save the Keyset.
PROGRAMMING THE TAKEBARThe CommandPost Takebar has eight programmable
positions: that is, when you move the Takebar and it
contacts any one of the eight positions, you can pro-