Rotate the dial until you reach ‘Diagnostics’, below left, press and release the dial to highlight the component. In this
program you can test each of the major components on the machine in sequence, 1- COMPRESSOR, 2-FAN1, 3-FAN2,
4- DEFROST, 5- ALARM, 6- CCAP (Capacity Control), 7- UV-L (UV light if fitted), ESC (escape). Rotate the dial until the
relay output is highlighted, once selected press and the dial to test the relay, the relay will remain energised for as long as
it is pressed. On completion of the test you must rotate the dial until you highlight ‘ESC’ press and release the dial to
move to the next program.
Function Test
Rotate the dial until you reach ‘FOOTPRINT’, see below, press and release the dial to initiate the controller function self
This allows for the engineer to test the operation of the machine without having to wait for a full program to run. The test
lasts for ten minutes and should be carried out with the cabinet / room empty. Each of the relays will be energised to
simulate the chill process. Relay 1-COMPRESSOR, Relay 2-FAN1, Relay 3-FAN2, Relay 4-DEFROST, Relay 5-ALARM,
Relay 6-CCAP (Capacity Control), and Relay 7- UV-L will all be switched on and of automatically in a pre determined
manner to simulate program operation (whether they are connected or not).
The test is based around an algorithm built into the software. Prior to starting the program it is advisable to place a probe,
in the centre of the cabinet/room, attached to an independent measuring device to check the air temperature as the air,
coil and food probes are not active during this program. The temperature achieved will depend on the model. The air
temperature should be checked 5 to 6 minutes into the program. The temperature achieved should be the minimum
temperature and can be checked against the model type found in the parameter table on page 9. (For further information
go to page 19).
Once the test is completed the display reverts to the last chill program and not to the service parameters.
Rotate the dial until you reach ‘PASSCODE’, below left, press and release the dial to highlight the code, below right.
Rotate the dial until you reach the code ‘131’. Once achieved press and release the dial to acknowledge.