Resetting Your BOOKMAN Copyrights and Patents
If the BOOKMAN keyboard fails to re- spond, or if its screen performs errati- cally, first press CLEAR and then press ON/OFF twice. If nothing happens, follow the steps below to reset it.
Warning: Pressing the reset button with more than very light pressure may permanently disable your BOOKMAN. In addition, resetting your BOOKMAN unit erases settings and information entered into its builtin book, and in an installed book.
1.Hold CLEAR and press ON/OFF . If nothing happens, try Step 2.
2.Use a paper clip to gently press BOOKMAN’s reset button.
To learn where the reset button is located on your BOOKMAN, read its User’s Guide.
➤Troubleshooting BOOKMAN
•Make sure your book card, if any, is installed correctly.
•Check that your book card’s metal contacts are
Crosswords Puzzle Solver
•size: 5.9 x 4.2 x 0.2 cm
•weight: 0.4 oz.
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