Finding More Words


Finding Phrases




If the word you are looking for is not found in your search, you can press MORE (the red key) to find more possibilities. When you press MORE (red), Crosswords Puzzle Solver substitutes a letter for one that you have typed. Try this example.

1.Type a word. For example, type DOT.

2.Press MORE (red).

Note: You can also press MORE (red) from any word list.

The lowercase letter is the new letter.

3.Press repeatedly to view more matches.

These are all variations, with one letter changed, of the original word DOT.

4.To view the Topics for a word, press TOPICS (yellow).

A word has one or more Topics if the word “TOPICS” appears at the top right of the screen.

5.Press CLEAR when finished.

Crosswords Puzzle Solver can also find phrases that include a key word.

1.Type a word in a phrase. For example type CAT.

2.Press PHRASE (the green key).

Note: You can also press PHRASE (green) from any word list.

3.Press repeatedly to view the phrases.

4.To view a Topic for a phrase, press TOPICS (yellow).

A word has one or more Topics if the word “TOPICS” appears at the top right of the screen.

5.Press CLEAR when finished.