Using the Word List |
| Highlighting Words |
You can also find dictionary entries by searching for words on the Entries menu.
1.Press MENU .
To see a full menu title, press ? ✻
2.Start typing a word until it is highlighted. For example, type law.
You can also highlight words by us-
ing or .
To erase a letter, press BACK .
3.Do one of the following:
To... | Press... |
find a dictionary entry | ENTER |
find a thesaurus entry | THES |
find inflected forms | INFL |
find phrases | PHRASE |
add word to your list | LIST |
find Confusables | ✩ + C |
4. To go back, press BACK .
Another way to look up a word is to highlight it in text. Then you can find that word’s dictionary entry, thesaurus entry, inflections, Confusables, or save it in your personal list.
1.At any text, press ENTER to start the highlight.
To turn off the highlight, press BACK .
2.Use the arrow keys to move the highlight.
3.Do one of the following:
To... | Press... |
find a dictionary entry | ENTER |
find a thesaurus entry | THES |
find inflected forms | INFL |
find phrases | PHRASE |
add word to your list | LIST |
find Confusables | ✩ + C |
4. To go back, press BACK .