
Appointments can recur through calendar year 2029.

Recurrence screen for Weekly interval

Monthly Recurrence

The Monthly setting repeats your appointment on a monthly basis. To repeat an appointment every third month, tap the Monthly check box, write 3 in the Recur every . . . month(s) on the field and tap the day or date you want. The date setting is derived from the current day.

Recurrence screen for Monthly interval

Yearly Recurrence

The Yearly setting repeats your appointment on an annual basis. You can set an appointment to repeat either on the current date every year or the current day. For example, if today is December 13 and the second Wednesday, you can select either the 13th day of December or the second Wednesday in December as the yearly recurrence date. To repeat an appointment every year, tap Yearly, then tap either the current date or day in the Recur every year on the field. The date setting is derived from the current day.

168 Chapter 12. Date Book