Days for which you have entered appointments are marked with a bar. The bar appears to the top right for a.m. appointments and to the bottom right for p.m. appointments.

The month and year are displayed at the top left of the screen.

2.Tap or to go to the previous or next calendar month.

3.To return to the current month, tap .

Field Limits

Each Date Book field has a limit on the number of characters it can hold. The following table lists each field and its respective limit.

Field Name



number of







Using the Menus

There are two menus in Date Book: File and Edit. The File menu is available in the Weekly and Monthy Views and both menus are available in Daily View.

To select a menu item, first tap , tap either File or Edit and then either tap the menu item you want or write the Menu shortcut in the Handwriting area.

File Menu

Use the File menu to set preferences, view information about Date Book, read online help, and exit the program.

See also:

For information on how field limits affect synchro- nization, see “Changing Advanced Settings” on page 45.

eBookMan® User’s Guide