Finding Encyclopedia Articles Finding Encyclopedia Articles
The Articles menu lists all the articles in this encyclopedia alphabetically by title. Finding an article is as easy as typing the name of its title.
1.Press CLEAR .
The Articles menu is highlighted.
2.Start typing an article title. For example, type zebra.You do not need to type capitals. To erase a letter, press BACK . To display a full menu title, press
?✽ .
You can also find article titles by using the Direction keys at the Articles menu.
3.When the title is highlighted, press ENTER to see its article.Or select a submenu item, if needed.
To view the previous article in this en- cyclopedia, hold ✩ and press UP .
6.To go back to the Articles menu, press BACK .7.Press CLEAR to clear your request.➤What Article Are You Reading?When you are reading an encyclope- dia article, you can view its title or Article location by pressing ? ✽ .
Press BACK to go back to the article.