Using the Menus: Shooting Mode


This option controls how the camera selects the focus area. Regardless of the option selected, the camera will focus on the subject in the center of the LCD monitor when macro mode is on.



rCENTERThe camera focuses on the subject in the center of the frame.

When the shutter button is pressed halfway, the camera detects high-contrast

subjects near the center of the frame and selects the focus area automatically.



Position the subject in the center focus area and press the selector left. Focus

will track the subject as it moves through the frame.


RNote that in xmode, the camera focuses continuously, increasing the drain on the battery, and that the sound of the camera focusing may be audible.

FMOVIE AF MODEThis option controls how the camera selects the focus area for movies.



rCENTER The camera focuses on the subject in the center of the frame.

The camera continuously adjusts focus to reflect changes in the distance to uCONTINUOUS subjects near the center of the frame.

RNote that in umode, the camera focuses continuously, increasing the drain on the battery, and that the sound of the camera focusing may be audible.

