The Setup Menu
Choose an option other than OFF to display pictures in the monitor after shooting. Pictures can be displayed for 1.5 s (1.5 SEC), 3 s (3 SEC), or until the MENU/OK button is pressed (ZOOM (CONTIN- UOUS)). If ZOOM (CONTINUOUS) is selected, photos can be zoomed in to check focus and other finedetails(P53). NotethatZOOM(CONTINU- OUS) is disabled in continuous shooting mode (P48), and that the colors displayed at settings of
1.5SEC and 3 SEC may differ from those in the final picture.
When the picture is zoomed in, the selector can be used to view areas of the image not currently visible in the display.
When the picture was taken with gFACE DE- TECTION turned on, detected face is zoomed. When more than one face was detected, you can move to the next face by pressing f.
ZOOM (CONTINUOUS) is disabled in the follow- ing case:
• C/ Bis selected in the shooting mode.
• An option other than OFF is selected for
ICONTINUOUS.At settings other than OFF, a warning will be displayed if the camera detects subjects who may have blinked when the picture was taken. If ZOOM (CON- TINUOUS) is selected, you can view these subjects using zoom.