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IMT – Cholla Training Center
your important subject at one of the
intersections of lines.
You'll need to lock the focus if you
have an auto-focus camera because
most of them focus on whatever is
in the center of the viewfinder.
Subject not in focus
6. Lock the focus
If your subject is not in the center
of the picture, you need to lock the
focus to create a sharp picture.
Most auto-focus cameras focus on
whatever is in the center of the
picture. But to improve pictures,
you will often want to move the
subject away from the center of the
picture. If you don't want a blurred
picture, you'll need to first lock the
focus with the subject in the middle
and then recompose the picture so
the subject is away from the
Usually you can lock the focus in
three steps. First, center the
subject and press and hold the
shutter button halfway down.
Second, reposition your camera
(while still holding the shutter
button) so the subject is away from
the center. And third, finish by
pressing the shutter button all the
way down to take the picture.
7. Know your flash's range
The number one flash mistake is
taking pictures beyond the flash's
range. Why is this a mistake?
Because pictures taken beyond the
maximum flash range will be too
dark. For many cameras, the
maximum flash range is less than
fifteen feet—about five steps away.
What is your camera's flash range?
Without Flash