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IMT – Cholla Training Center
9. Take some vertical pictures
Is your camera vertically
challenged? It is if you never turn it
sideways to take a vertical picture.
All sorts of things look better in a
vertical picture. From a lighthouse
near a cliff to the Eiffel Tower to
your four-year-old niece jumping in
a puddle. So next time out, make a
conscious effort to turn your
camera sideways and take some
vertical pictures.
10. Be a picture director
Take control of your picture-taking
and watch your pictures
dramatically improve. Become a
picture director, not just a passive
picture-taker. A picture director
takes charge. A picture director
picks the location: "Everybody go
outside to the backyard." A picture
director adds props: "Girls, put on
your pink sunglasses." A picture
director arranges people: "Now
move in close, and lean toward the
Most pictures won't be that
involved, but you get the idea: Take
charge of your pictures and win
your own best picture awards.