iConnect the camera directly to the computer using the special USB cable. The software may not operate correctly
if you use an extension cable or connect the camera via a USB hub.
iIf your computer has more than one USB port, the camera can be connected to either port.
iPush the USB connector fully into the socket to ensure that it is securely connected. The software may not operate
correctly if the connection is faulty.
iAdditional USB interface board is not guaranteed.
iWindows 95 and Windows NT cannot be used.
iOperation is not guaranteed on home-built computers or on computers running updated operating system software.
iIf your Internet connection is via a router or via a LAN (connecting machines on the LAN to the Internet), you
cannot use videoconferencing.
iIf you are using Windows XP and you tick the “Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this
computer from the Internet” checkbox in the Internet connection firewall settings, videoconferencing cannot be used.
iWhen you reinstall or remove FinePixViewer, the Internet menu and your user ID and password for the FinePix
Internet Service are deleted from your computer. Click the [Register now]button, enter your registered user ID and
password and download the menu again.
To run this software, you must have the hardware and software described below. Check your system
before you begin the installation.
Compatible PCs IBM PC/AT or compatible✽1
Operating System Windows 98 (including the Second Edition), Windows Millennium Edition
(Windows Me), Windows 2000 Professional✽2, Windows XP Home Edition✽2,
Windows XP Professional✽2
Sound functions✽4Speakers, microphone and sound card
Internet connection✽3• To use the FinePix Internet Service or mail attachment function
An Internet connection and e-mail transmission software
• Connection speed: 56k or better recommended
Display 800 ×600 pixels or better, 16-bit color or better
Hard disk space Amount required for installation : 140MB minimum
Amount required for operation : 300MB minimum
(When ImageMixer VCD for FinePix is used : 2GB or better)
RAM 64MB minimum (128MB minimum for Windows XP, 256MB recommeded)
CPU✽5200 MHz Pentium or better recommended
(800 MHz Pentium3or better recommended for Windows XP)
✽1 Models with a USB interface as a standard feature and one of the above operating systems preinstalled.
✽2 When you install the software, log in using a system administrator account (e.g. “Administrator”).
✽3 Required to use the FinePix Internet Service and videoconferencing. The software can still be installed even if
you do not have an Internet connection.
✽4 Sound functions are required for videoconferencing.
✽5 Videos played back on a computer may not play back smoothly, depending on the performance of the computer.
PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKLISTHardware and software requirements
iBefore playing back a video file on your computer, copy and save the video file from the media (xD-Picture Card,
SmartMedia or Microdrive)to your computer’s hard disk. Then play back the saved file.
iVideo files contain large amounts of data. Depending on the performance of your computer, the video may not play
back smoothly because your computer cannot process the images quickly enough. (The video can still be played
back normally on the camera’s LCD monitor or on a TV screen connected to the camera.)
iIf video files do not play back smoothly, you may be able to get better results by using the batch format conversion
feature in FinePixViewer to convert the video files.
■Guide to computer performance (using the enclosed QuickTime software)
640×480 pixels
30 fps
Pentium 4 or better 600 MHz Pentium III or better 450 MHz Pentium II or better
233 MHz Pentium II or better
867 MHz G4 or better 366 MHz G3 or better 233 MHz G3 or better
15 fps 15 fps 10 fps 10 fps30 fps
320 ×240 pixels 160 ×120 pixels
Image size
Frame rate