88 Using the Handwriting Recognition Utilities
On the Appearance tab window, you can change the size and orientation of the mode
mark, and determine whether you want it to be visible.
Note that when Handwriter is selected, the mode mark options are not available.
This is because Handwriter recognizes all characters as written. For example, if a
lowercase “e” is written, a lower-case “e” will appear. If an upper-case “E” is written,
an upper-case “E” will appear. To “train” Handwriter to recognize your writing
style, click on the HRS Advanced tab, and select the Trainer.
Time-Outs tab 4When one of the Jot buttons is selected, the Time-outs tab allows you to determine
two speeds:
•How long you must hold down the pen to switch from inking to text selection or
•How long you have to write the next stroke of a multi-stroke character.
If Handwriter is selected, the following two choices are available:
•How long you wish to allow before recognition occurs after you finish writing.
•How long before the pen switches from ink to text selection or drag-and-drop.
Advanced tab 4The Advanced tab provides you with three buttons:
•Macro Editor: The Macro Editor lets you create shortcuts for phrases and actions.
•Trai ne r: If “Jot - Character set that uses natural character shapes” is selected in the
General window, the Trainer allows you to customize the Natural Character Set
by enabling or disabling character shapes. If “Jot - Simplified uppercase
characters” is selected, the Trainer is disabled. If Handwriter is selected, the
Trainer allows you to customize the full character set.
•Reset: The Rest button returns the settings of the Appearance and Time-out tabs
to their default settings.
The Advanced tab for Handwriter additionally allows you to enable or disable the
Recognition Dictionary, and to automatically insert a space after a pause when
writing complete words.
About tab 4The About tab provides version, copyright and patent information about Handwriter
for HPC 2000.