Section Three
EXTERNAL FLOPPY DISK DRIVEThe external floppy disk drive is a 3.5" drive
which can read and write on 1.44MB and
720KB memory capacity floppy disks.Floppy
disk format is controlled from your operating
system.(See your Windows 98 SE Guide for
more information
Loading a Floppy Disk
To load,insert a floppy disk into the floppy disk
drive,shutter side first and label up, until the
Eject button,above the floppy disk drive open-
ing,pops out. (Figure 3-11.)
Ejecting a Floppy Disk
To eject a disk,check that the Floppy Disk
Drive Access indicator is Off,and press the
Eject button.(Figure 3-11.)
Figure 3-12 Floppy Disk Write Protect
Write Enabled
Write Protected
Preparing a Floppy Disk for Use
Before you can use a new floppy disk,you need
to prepare it so your notebook knows where to
store information.This preparation is called
formatting or initializing a disk.You need to
format new 3.5" floppy disks,unless you pur-
chase preformatted disks.You will use your
notebook’s operating system software to format
Figure 3-11 Loading/Ejecting a Floppy Disk
a floppy disk.Please refer to the operating
system manual for step-by-step instructions.
To prevent data stored on a floppy disk from
being erased,slide the write protect tab on the
floppy disk to open up the small hole.This
makes the disk "write protected".When you
want to write data to that disk,slide the write
protect tab the other way to close the small hole.
(Figure 3-12.)
If you eject the disk while the Floppy
Disk Drive Access indicator is On, there is
a risk of damaging the data on the disk,
the disk or the disk drive.