Section Five
Memory Problems
Your power on screen or Main menu ofthe 1. Your memory upgrade module is not 1. Remove and re-install your memory
BIOS setup utility information does not show properly installed. upgrade module.(See Memory Upgrade
the correct amount ofinstalled memor y. Module on pages 54-57.)
2. You have a memory failure. 2. Make sure display oferror messages is
enabled (See Boot Options Submenu in the
BIOS Setup Utility on page 44),and check
for Power On SelfTest (POST) messages.
(See pages 78-80 for possible messages and
their meanings.)
Modem Problems
Messages about modem operation. 1. Messages about modem operation are 1. See your application software
generated by whichever modem application documentation for additional information.
is in use.
Parallel,Serial, and USB Device Problems
You have installed a parallel port device,a serial 1. The device is not properly installed. 1. Remove and re-install the device.
port device or a USB device.Your notebook does (See Parallel Port Devices,Serial Port
not recognize the device,or the device does not Devices, or USB Devices on page 53.)
seem to work properly. NOTE:for serial and parallel devices make
sure Port Replicator is fully seated.
Symptom PossibleCause Possible Solution