Formal product name Abbreviation
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard Windows
Windows Server 2008
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Datacenter
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 Standard
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 Enterprise
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 Datacenter
VMware vSphere(R) 4 vSphere 4, VMware 4
VMware vSphere(R) 5 vSphere 5, VMware 5
VMware(R) ESX(R) 4 ESX, ESX 4.x
VMware(R) ESXi(TM) 5 ESXi, ESXi 5.x
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Meaning Example
italics Title of a manual that you should refer to See the PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series
Installation Manual (C122-E107EN).
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The following notation is used for commands.
Command syntax
Command syntax is represented as follows.
- Variables requiring the entry of a value are enclosed in angle brackets < >.
- Optional elements are enclosed in brackets [ ].
- Options for optional keywords are grouped in | (stroke) separated lists enclosed in brackets [ ].
- Options for required keywords are grouped in | (stroke) separated lists enclosed in braces { }.
Command syntax is written in a box.
The command output shown in the PDF manuals may include line feeds at places where there is no line feed symbol
(\ at the end of the line).
PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series Hardware Installation Manual
vi C122-H004-07EN